Meet Amanda

At eighteen, when many are still finding their footing in the world, Amanda left home. The allure of parties and the illusion of love masked the underlying loneliness and insecurity she felt.

By the age of twenty-two, Amanda found herself at a crossroads. Looking in the mirror, she confronted the stark reality of her situation. The lifestyle she had chosen was draining her vitality and purpose. It was then that she uttered those transformative words, “If I stay here, I am going to die.”

Upon returning home, she faced new challenges. Struggling to feel a sense of belonging and enduring a night in jail, she recalls, “I was at my lowest low. I felt sad, scared, and betrayed.” Feeling unable to stay at home, she returned to old habits and continued to battle toxic relationships.

Years later, she learned about her father's illness but wasn’t prepared for the severity of it. In 2019, her father passed away, leaving Amanda feeling more alone than ever. She describes her father as her safe space and one of the only things in her life that gave her a sense of security.

Shortly after losing her father, Amanda was in a car accident that resulted in several injuries, some of which she has yet to fully recover from. After many months of healing, Amanda returned home, where her mother encouraged her to seek both physical and mental support.

She remembers her first day at Wear Gloves with clarity. She felt a sense of belonging and support right away. “I knew something was different about this place,” she said, “and the first person I saw was Carlos.” Now, in 2024, Amanda and Carlos are in a loving and supportive relationship, always treating each other with encouragement and positivity. She has also made many other connections at Wear Gloves and gives back by running a General Store to supply other clients with affordable, necessary items, becoming an expert roaster for Dignity Roasters, and keeping everyone in the community up-to-date by managing the Wear Gloves social media pages. 

While she still bears the grief of the loss of her father, as well as physical challenges, she is thankful to be in an environment that provides her the support she needs to be strong and overcome obstacles. “This place helped me put things back together,” she said, “Wear Gloves has been here to help.”

Amanda is working on giving herself grace. It is a daily struggle, but she has become an incredibly strong and empowered young woman, not despite what she has overcome but because of what she has overcome.


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