What is Success?

Written by Wendy Kebrdle

We are often asked the question “What is success at Wear Gloves?” Rather than sharing the specific goals and timelines for our clients, we share stories. This is a tough concept to grasp as we are a very results-driven society. Our goal is to walk with our clients with love and encouragement, allowing them to dream and set their own goals. We have no expectation that someone should be housed, healthy, and at a certain income level by a certain timeframe, unless that is what they have defined as success. Here are a few of the stories to illustrate.

Saul came to us last week and said now that he is paying child support again, his kids are proud of him and want to spend time with him. That is success!

Marcy has found a community that supports her on her sobriety journey…she just hit the 2-year mark. That is success!

X, an extremely hard-working person dealing with major trauma, was just promoted and can now support their family. Success!

Sometimes we don’t get it right on the first try. We moved S into an apartment after living outside for many years. It was too quiet, claustrophobic, and confusing, so S moved back outside and is very happy. S has set new goals of paying some medical bills and taking better care of their mental health with weekly meetings with our mental health coach.

Allowing those that God puts in our path to share their hopes and concerns while respecting their goals and walking alongside them as they achieve what they thought was impossible, that is success.

Knowing we have a community with people like you to help us in this endeavor, that is success. All of this would not be possible without the generosity of those who believe in our mission and want to be a part of loving the distressed in our community. Thank you for joining us on this journey!


Introducing the new Dignity House!


Homeboy Gathering 2023