Meet Lulu

Before joining Wear Gloves and moving into the Dignity House program, Lulu faced a series of overwhelming challenges.

Without a safe, stable home, it was nearly impossible for her to dream or pursue hobbies. Instead, she was trapped in survival mode, with her aspirations pushed aside. Her home life was tense, hostile, and even led to separation from her children. Without support, envisioning a better future seemed out of reach.

But when Lulu found Wear Gloves, she felt a shift. 

“I didn’t have a job before Wear Gloves. I was struggling for three years to find anything. I had a lot of self-doubt.”

Through dignified work, stable housing, and a supportive community, Lulu has found stability. What excites her most now is reconnecting with her son. As she takes care of herself, she’s able to be there for others too.

“I’m learning how to understand and deal with things. At Wear Gloves, they’re giving me social and family experiences that I’ve never known before.”

One of her goals is to host regular family gatherings, sharing her love for cooking, especially tacos.

Wear Gloves is more than just a source of housing and jobs—it has given Lulu the tools to take care of herself and a community she can rely on. She is on a journey of incredible growth, taking better care of her mental and physical health and exploring opportunities for higher education and a new career. Lulu dreams of visiting Colorado Springs one day with her son. 

The Wear Gloves family is incredibly proud of Lulu for improving her circumstances and being dedicated to her path of healing.


Meet Amanda